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The work within the project is structured into 4 work packages, so called “components”:

Component 1: Management and coordination

The first component is dedicated to the overall project management and follows the requirements of the South Baltic Programme. A project management team supports the lead beneficiary.

Sandra Fieber, Animare


Thomas Möller, radplan nordost
Phone: 0049-179-7041949

Component 2: Communication and dissemination

The second component includes all communication and dissemination activities about the project.

The following tools are in place or planned:

WEBSITE you are discovering here
NEWSLETTER published 2 times per year
PRESS RELEASES about project activities
WORKSHOPS of partners 2 times per year
CONFERENCES with abc-partners
INSPIRATIONS for cycling online

Component 3: From master plan to action – integrating cycling into multimodal transport system

The partners aim to find solutions how to improve conditions for cycling in the multimodal transport system. They involve experts (city / traffic planner, traffic engineers, mobility advisors, politicians) and inhabitants as “users” to improve planning processes.

The following activities are part of component 3:  

MASTER PLAN for a cycling friendly city
ANALYSIS of target groups for cycling promotion
ACTION PLAN to integrate cycling in selected area
PLANNING of soft measures and investments
IMPLEMENTATION of the cycling monitor
EVALUATION of implemented actions

Component 4: Awareness raising and capacity building – integrating cycling into mobility culture

The partners aim to develop and implement soft measures for motivating people to integrate cycling into their personal mobility and for shifting the mobility culture of the cities towards more cycling and multimodality. They work with experts (like media consultants, teachers, politicians) and with volunteers to become experts for cycling promotion.

The following activities are part of component 4:

CYCLING CAMPAIGNS analysis and practice
CYCLING MONITOR to indicate number of cyclists
CAPACITY BUILDING for cycling promotion